Lab 02: Create a SharePoint library

Companion material and resources for the course 'SharePoint Online Power User' delivery by Ricardo Cabral

Lab 02: Create a SharePoint library

Create a document library in SharePoint to securely store files, work on them together, and access them from any device at any time.

SharePoint team sites include a document library by default, however, you can add additional document and other libraries to a site as needed.

Microsoft 365 user interface

Given the dynamic nature of Microsoft cloud tools, you might experience UI (User Interface) changes that occur after the development of this training content. As a result, the lab instructions and lab steps might not align correctly.

Cloud updates occur frequently, so you might encounter UI changes before this training content updates. If this occurs, adapt to the changes, and then work through them in the labs as needed.

Lab Scenario

With the new SharePoint site created it is necessary to have the possibility to share documents between the members of the site.


Create a new SharePoint library.


Before you start

You must have access to a Microsoft 365 account with SharePoint Online.

Sign in to the lab environment

Use the credentials provider by the instructor.

Exercise 1: Create SharePoint document library

Requirements: You must complete the Create a team site in SharePoint lab.

  1. Go to the SharePoint Team site you created.

  2. On the menu bar, select New, and then select Document library.

    New Document Library

  3. Enter a name for the new library.
    • Name: Department documents
    • Description: Internal department documents
    • Show in site navigation: Enabled
  4. Select Create.

    • The new document library named Department documents is available on site navigation.

Exercise 2: Upload files to a library

You can drag files and folders from your computer to upload them to your OneDrive library or SharePoint team site with the modern experience. You can also browse and upload your files using the classic version.

  1. In document library Department documents create a folder named Invoices.

    Document Library New Folder

  2. Download the zip file containing the sample course files and unzip the files to a location of your choice. .
    • If you don’t have the download link, ask the instructor to provide it.
  3. Upload the contents of the Invoices folder to the Invoices folder created in the document library.
    1. On menu select Upload > Files
    2. Open the Invoice folder from unzip file.
    3. Select all the files and confirm.

      Document Library Upload Invoices

  4. Return to the Document Library root and drag and drop all the files from unzip file to the root.
    • SharePoint will create all folders and subfolders and upload the files.

Exercise 3: Adding columns

Add three columns.

  1. In the Department documents library select the Invoices folder.

  2. Add a column with data type Single line of text with the following parameters
    • Name: Customer
    • Desciption: Invoice customer
    • Type: Single line of text
    • Default value empty
    • Use calculated value: not enabled

      Document Library Add Column

  3. Add another column with data type Number (1, 1.0, 100) with the following parameters
    • Name: Invoice
    • Desciption: Invoice #
    • Type: Single line of text

    Note: To view more data type select More…

  4. Add another column with data type Choice with the following parameters
    • Name: Status
    • Desciption: Invoice Status
    • Type: Choice
      • Choices:
        • Submitted
        • Paid
    • Default value: Submitted

    Document Library AddColumn Choice

Exercise 4: Edit values

Depending on the type of data a column can change the value in all documents or manually in each document.

First you will change all status to Submited then you change one row manually.

  1. Toggle selection for all items.

    ![Toggle selection for all items Icon](Document Library AddColumn Choice

  2. Open the details pane.

    Document Library Details Pane Icon

  3. Set the Status to Submitted

  4. Save.

You can edit the values in several ways two ways. - Using details pane - Or proprites

  1. Select the first invoice.
    • Right click and them select Details.
    • Or open details pane..
    • Right click and them select properties.
  2. Change the Status to Paid.

Exercise 5: Edit and Delete columns

Change the Invoice column then delete it.

  1. Select the Invoice column header then select Column settings > Edit

    Document Library Edit Column

  2. Change the symbol to dollar ‘$’ then clik save.

  3. Select the Invoice column then > Column settings > Edit

  4. Delete the Invoice column.

    1. Select the column header, and from the menu, select Column settings > Edit.
    2. At the bottom of the Edit Column pane, select Delete.
    3. To delete the column and the data in the column permanently, select Delete..

Exercise 6: Create a new view

  1. Switch view options to Create a new view

    Document Library Create New View

  2. Set with:
    • Name: Invoices Status
    • Show as: List
    • Make this a public view: Enabled
  3. When you’re finished, select Create.

  4. To edit the current view switch view options to Edit current view

  5. Unckeck Modified, Modified By, and Customer.

  6. Click OK button.

Exercise 7: Set up alert

Create an alert when the folder is changed in a SharePoint document library.

  1. Go to Department documents library.
  2. From the library of options select the … (ellipses), and then select Alert Me.

    Document Library Alert Me

  3. In the Alert me when items change dialog view the options available and won’t change anything.

  4. To save, select OK.